Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Web is here for our taking

The web is here for our taking and we are the ones making the culture this time. It seems like we were given another chance to make things right in this world, only we do not need our bodies to do so. No, we just need our minds. This must mean that we are getting closer to realizing just how useless our bodies are in this universe. Our minds get the prize. Maybe it is time we realize just how strong our minds are. Maybe it is time we realize how much we do not have to depend upon our physical beings. Maybe this is our chance to show we are not violent beings when we can’t see who we are communicating with.

How strong are our minds? What can we do with the internet; I mean where can we go and what can we make of it? When we walk into a club, or a library, a supermarket; we know what to look for and we don’t always find what we are looking for so we go elsewhere. What about on the web. Do you really feel as if you are going somewhere or do you just feel like your body is sitting in a chair in front of a computer and the mouse is doing all of the work for you? Come on; you are more than that. Open up and really take a look around and put yourself in a place of virtual reality.

Follow me and you may be able to read interviews when I have the opportunity to talk with some of the really great people out there trying to shape the web and make communities.

Go shopping, visit places, or as Ms Philosopher has it; go community hopping. This Ms Philosopher is making fame, I mean she is a member of about oh give or take…about 75 to 100 communities. I have seen her blogs and pictures of terrorism. Why? Well I haven’t had the opportunity to interview her yet but I gather she is making a name for herself. Maybe trust. This could well be for the community she is building or who knows-maybe the girl is going to run for president. LOL We found her exhilarating as she concentrates on world issues and she makes her rounds, my friend and I found her in a marketing crowd on Twitter. My friend and I well my friend more than me is in the marketing scene, both on and off line.

1 comment:

msphilosopher said...

I could not have said it better myself. LOL